
How To Beat Computer Eyestrain Power Vision Program Touro Graduate School of Technology.png

How To Beat Computer Eyestrain Part 1: Slow Blinking

Posted by Brittany DiMarco on Jul 11, 2017 1:30:34 PM
Brittany DiMarco

Attention programmers, coders, UX/UI designers, database engineers, those with tech jobs, and people who just love all things technology. Do you spend long periods of your day in front of a computer? Are your eyes tired and achy? A recent CNN study reported that Americans spend more than 10 hours per day looking at a screen. The number of devices available to consumers have increased over the years adding to this average. Prolonged screen time has a strong connection with obesity, and increases the risk of various vision ailments, including blurred vision, loss of focusing power, and dry aching eyes. This especially applies to people suffering from nearsightedness, farsightedness, astigmatism, eye strain, dry eyes, presbyopia, or lazy eye. 

If you or someone you know can relate to the above, read on to discover how simple, innovative natural techniques can be used to help sharpen your eyesight.

Causes of Computer Stress AKA Near Point Stress

When we focus on what we are doing, we get so involved in our work behind a computer that we forget to blink or blink at a lower rate than normal. This results in tired, gritty, dry and aching eyes. Often, eyestrain and other eye damage is caused by long computer use and close work, such as reading for extended period of time without giving your eyes a break. The solution is to break near-point stress by taking a short 5 second break to gaze at a distant object and blink. This causes the lenses inside our eyes to refocus and produce tears which moisten the eye. Check out the 45 second exercise below, from Dr. Steven Beresford's Power Vision Program, for how to refocus your eyes correctly:

The Power Vision Program:

The Power Vision program has been developed by Dr. Steven Beresford and his team of optometrists to help people suffering with bad vision. In a clinical study, the Power Vision Program has been proven to effectively improve your vision. The program is composed of simple 2-10 minute therapy techniques that will open your eyes to a brighter, clearer way of seeing. Designed to be quick, simple, and fun, the program offers a manual, exercise tracks, biofeedback eye-charts, and free support. Those who dedicate more time to do the exercises, can see better and faster results. The trick is to do something every day, even if only for a minute.


Many who have started the Power Vision Exercise program have seen results within a week, with significant improvement within three weeks. You can even realistically expect to regain normal or near normal vision and stop wearing corrective lenses (or reduce your dependency on them) in nearly six weeks!

Check out Patient X who consistently practiced the vision therapy exercises for about twelve weeks. As you can see, the lens prescription was significantly reduced!

Vision Scripts.png

(How to read a corrective lens prescription)

About Dr. Steven Beresford

Dr. Steven M. Beresford is a scientist with a doctorate in chemical physics. He was a member of the team that did research leading to MRIs (Magnetic Resonance Imaging).

Beresford founded the American Vision Institute in 1979 with some of America’s leading eye care professionals. Together they developed this state-of-the-art system of eye exercises to improve eyesight naturally.

About Touro College Graduate School of Technology

Touro College Graduate School of Technology offers many computer based graduate programs such as web multimedia designinformation systems and instructional technology. As a New York school of technology, the Touro College masters program has helped hundreds of students each year learn practical technology skills and a more stable career path!

Want to learn more ways to beat computer eyestrain? Check back for new video exercises coming soon.

If you’re interested in the Power Vision Program to help your eyes feel stronger, healthier, and more relaxed reducing your dependency on glasses or corrective lenses then click below to learn more!

Improve Your Vision Power Program

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