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Tech Trends To Look Out for in 2017

Posted by Brittany DiMarco on Feb 8, 2017 12:11:00 PM
Brittany DiMarco

What a year 2016 was; Leonardo DiCaprio finally won an Oscar. Among many other trends, 2016 was a big year for technology and new products. These breakthroughs have changed how we play, work, and live each day. But they’re not done yet. We’re excited to see which technology trends from 2016 will explode and change the world this year.

So don't be down about the election (if you are) or upset that you didn’t get Samsung’s Virtual Reality Gear for the holidays; we’re giving you a look into the top tech trends to watch out for this year:

Virtual Reality

Virtual reality made a big splash in 2016. Although we have seen the devices in their early stages, it will take more time (hopefully this year) for these applications to really hit their mark. When they do, you will be able to practically have a VR/AR version of everything! In the realm of Augmented Reality you could see a change in your phone’s GPS mapping system that has the potential to be more specific. More augmented reality games like Pokemon Go, will be created as well.

Smart Home Technology

Are you still wondering why we aren’t all living in smart homes or apartments? The problem seems to be that there are a ton of applications but little connection between them. You can download an app to turn off your lights but you need to download another app to adjust your thermostat. The competition is high in this field leaving little room for collaboration efforts to take effect. However, now that bigger companies like Amazon and Google, are becoming powerhouses in uniform user experiences, you can expect to see prominent advancements this year.

3D Printing

Although 3D printers have been around for consumer purchase for a long time now, the costs are well above what most consumers can afford. Given the advancements 3D printing has seen this year, we can assume this will change in 2017. In 2016 you could find a 3D printer for around $300 and given the prospected launch of new models, these prices should drop. We are only 10 months away from the big holiday season, so be on the lookout for new options, as they will be one of the must-have gifts this holiday season.

Everything On-Demand

Thank you Uber! Especially for those of you living in the big city areas, we’re sure you can’t bear the thought of hailing a cab again. As the years pass and smartphone technology advances, so does the On-Demand everything of anything. Whether it is ordering dinner without picking up your phone to make a phone call, hailing a cab, or ordering from Amazon, in 2017 we should expect to see an increase in On-Demand app development. What will be next? Now… that’s the fun part of predictions. Be sure to comment your predictions below for the next On-Demand app.


Ah, automation. More and more jobs will soon be automated, which may be a downside because of the jobs it may take away. On the upside, automated customer service will be getting better. Finally, no more yelling into the phone that you want to speak to a representative because the bot thought you said “tell me your hours and directions,” and no more pressing “0” twenty times hoping it will connect you with a human being. Better automation means better smart devices that will be able to learn your patterns and preferences without programming. Another fun perk would be the introduction of more self-service kiosks in the food industry saving you the hassle of one cashier with a long line.

There you have it; the top 5 tech trends to look out for in 2017. These are just some of the products with promising expectations this year. If you think we’ve missed something, please reach out in the comments below. We want to know what you think the biggest tech trend will be this year!

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