
Touro Graduate School of Technology - Pursuing a Career in Technology

Why You Should Pursue a Career in Technology

Posted by Brittany DiMarco on Apr 25, 2018 11:00:00 AM
Brittany DiMarco

Are you unsure about what career to pursue or are second guessing your current profession? If so, then the answer to your dilemma may have been right in front of you this whole time.

Daily, you use your computer and/or smartphone to browse the web, use apps, and read blogs, like this one. If you've ever wondered who designs or creates these websites or apps, and how, then perhaps you should consider a career in technology! Not only can you learn how to design websites, apps, build blogs, but the possibilities in the technology field are endless. 

Here are 5 reasons why tech is the best field to work in:

High Employment Growth

In the tech industry, unemployment is low and job growth is high; it’s as simple as that! According, to the Bureau of Labor Statistics, technology related professions are expected to grow 13% between 2016 and 2026. This is a much faster growth than the average for all occupations. Additionally, many start ups are emerging and there's a constant need for tech workers, even in non-tech industries. 

Good Pay!

With all the demand for technology professionals, it should come as no surprise that it’s one of the highest paying industries to go into. Just look at all the celebrity billionaires who made their fortune in tech, such as Mark Zuckerberg, Bill Gates and Elon Musk. Although the average technology professional doesn’t make as much as those aforementioned industry leaders, they do make considerably more than the average American. According to, technology related roles earned $108,000 on average in 2016, which is double the average salary of $53,000 per year, in America. Furthermore, graduate degrees in technology are often considered having the highest paying potential!

Flexible Hours

One of the main benefits of working for a tech industry, is being able to work from home or remotely. Since most of the work is done by a computer, video conferencing tools like Zoom or Shindig, allow employees to work off site, while still interfacing with their colleagues on projects that require collaboration. Seeing such successful results, many technology bosses allow their employees to work from home, or at flexible hours, as long as the job gets done.

Better Perks

Management at tech companies is often younger and more free-spirited. They allow for a relaxed dress code and fun/self-improvement is encouraged. In addition, some companies will even offer paid volunteer days to leave the office and do volunteer work at a local school or non-profit. Check out Forbes’ list of 13 Tech Companies That Offer Cool Work Perks.

Innovative and Meaningful Work

Have you ever wanted to change the world but didn’t know how to get involved? Working in technology will enable you to do just that. By connecting people from different countries and cultures like never before, technology is allowing us to solve age-old issues like world hunger, poverty and sickness. Additionally, we have apps that help us find discounts for otherwise overpriced prescriptions, track our gas mileage, find our soul mates and more. 

Touro Graduate School of Technology New Career

Exciting, right?

Now is the time to get a head start in the technology industry. Find out if a career in design, network security and administration, database management, or web design and development is right for you. Learning these skills will keep you employed for a long time.

Touro College Graduate School of Technology provides a personalized setting with small classes. Classes are offered on weeknights and Sundays at a competitive tuition. Because we all know that a good education should not break the bank. Visit our Open House and your application fee will be waived! 


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