
Benefits of a Tech Job

Why Your Next Job Should Be in Tech

Posted by Brittany DiMarco on Oct 5, 2016 5:11:39 PM
Brittany DiMarco

Looking for a job or career change? Do you want a job that you love AND has great perks? Then the tech industry is right for you! In previous blogs, we have discussed transitioning into a tech career with or without a background in the industry. Now we want to discuss why you should be considering a career in this field in the first place.

Here are some great reasons why the tech industry may be right for you:

1. The jobs are here

Unlike other industries which go through their highs and lows of hiring, the tech industry is adding jobs at a dependable rate. In 2014, Pew Research published their findings on how tech sector jobs had nearly doubled in 2012 reaching just under 4 billion jobs from just over 2 billion in 1997. The numbers have only grown since then.

2. Advance your career

Yes, you’ve read right - jobs opportunities have doubled! The advanced options available for a field with this much growth is exciting to think about. You’ll find that larger companies are still expanding and offer more and more benefits. But growth opportunity isn't just for large businesses. Be sure to check out small, rapidly growing start-up companies as a great place for this kind of fast career advancement. As long as you keep updating your tech skills, you’ll always have a place to move up in your career.

3. Be a part of the experience

Simply put, tech culture is fun. If you're not into formal business wear and independent cubicle work, these types of jobs are for you. If you have the right personality, companies will train you. Working in tech almost always means working with others, such as in teams or with customers. Start-ups, especially, embrace that bring your dog to work, better benefits, and summer Fridays culture. You may not leave at 5pm sharp but you won't lose sleep over an uptight work environment either. Check out Google’s culture - I’ll work in the billiards room, please!

Or try freelance… There are many smaller projects that can be done by you and your knowledge alone. You’ll have the freedom to work on projects you’re most interested in and be your own boss!

4. Love what you do

The tech industry works well for those who love what they do or want a career that they can be passionate about. Sometimes people try hard and fail, but passion allows them to persevere through. You will be part of an industry that is meaningful to you and the world. An example is building websites for non-profit organizations.

5. Non-tech, no problem

We said it once and we’ll say it again, the industry needs you and your non-tech skills. No matter what you do, there's a tech company that needs your expertise. Whether you're a master chef for Google’s cafeteria or a technology blog writer, there’s a place for you in this field. Plus, you may find another career path you love and continue your education in that program.

Tech Job

It should be pretty clear why your next job should be in tech. If you still need convincing, just check out these 10 technology companies and the awesome perks they offer their employees.

Looking to advance your career in tech? Check out Touro Graduate School of Technology and learn how you can take the next step today! 


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